America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present:
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization:
Counterpoints: Paired Sources from U.S. History, 1877-present:
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Custom Sourcebook: U.S. History II 1865 - present
Custom Sourcebook: World History I to 1500
Custom Sourcebook: World History II 1500 - present
Custom Sourcebook: Western Civilization I to 1500
Custom Sourcebook: Western Civilization II 1500 - present
Custom Sourcebook: African American History
Custom Sourcebook: Ancient Near East
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Milestone Content
US History I to 1877
US History II 1865 to the Present
African American History
World History I to 1500
World History II 1500 to Present
Western Civilization I to 1500
Western Civilization II 1500 to Present
Women's History
Modern Chinese History
Latin America
Ancient Near East
The Middle East since the Rise of Islam
History of Japan
Introduction to American Studies
American Presidency
World Religions
My Milestone
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Modern China
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
American Studies
Ancient Near East
Western Civilization II
Western Civilization II
African American History
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
African American History
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
History of Japan
Medieval Europe
U.S. History II
African American History
African American History
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Blank Anthology
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Western Civilization II
World Religions
Ancient Near East
African American History
World Religions
Western Civilization II
Western Civilization I
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Modern Latin America
U.S. History II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
World Religions
History of Japan
Ancient Near East
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Blank Anthology
Great Depression and New Deal
World Religions
The Enlightenment
World History II
World History I
Modern Latin America
African American History
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Modern Latin America
Western Civilization I
World Religions
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Blank Anthology
Modern Latin America
U.S. History I
African American History
Modern China
African American History
World Religions
History of Japan
World Religions
Western Civilization I
World History II
World History I
Middle East
World History I
World History I
U.S. History I
Western Civilization I
U.S. History II
World Religions
Blank Anthology
World Religions
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
African American History
Ancient Near East
Ancient Near East
History of Japan
Western Civilization II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Modern China
Blank Anthology
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
World History II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
U.S. History I
Western Civilization I
Ancient Near East
Middle East
Ancient Near East
World History I to 1500
: Formation of Western Christendom
Editor in Chief:
Joseph T. Stuart, University of Mary
View all items
1. Domestication of Plants and Animals in the Fertile Crescent
2. Religion and Culture in the Earliest Civilizations of the Near East
3. Earliest Civilizations of Africa
4. India
5. China, Japan, and Korea
6. Revolutions in Human Thought
7. Earliest Civilizations of the Americas
8. The Greeks
9. The Romans
10. The Rise of Christianity
11. European Peoples
12. Ascendancy of the East
13. Formation of Western Christendom
14. The Medieval Age
15. The Renaissance
Recommended Docs
Additional Docs
Textbook Articles
Charlemagne: Great Capitulary (802)
Annals of Xanten (832–873)
Pope Urban II: Call to Crusade (1095)
Anna Comnena: Alexiad (ca. 1148)
Usama ibn Munqidh: “A Muslim View of the Crusaders” (1185)
Letters of Cassiodorus in the Name of Theodoric (537)
Charlemagne: Capitulary for Saxony (775–790)
Charlemagne: Letter to Abbot Baugualf of Fulda (ca. 780-800)
Alcuin of York: Letter to Higbald, Bishop of Lindisfarne, about the Viking Raid (793)
Einhard: Life of Charlemagne (ca. 817–836)
Foundation Charter of the Order of Cluny (910)
II Aethelstan; or, the Grately Code (924–939)
Synod of Charroux: Peace of God (989)
Truce for the Bishopric of Terouanne (ca. 1063)
Henry IV of Germany and Pope Gregory VII: Letter and Ban (1076)
Russian Primary Chronicle (1100)
Concordat of Worms (1122)
Thomas à Becket: Letter to Henry II (1166)
The Lay of the Cid (ca. 1195–1207)
Second Rule of the Friars Minor (1223)
Pope Gregory XI: Bull against John Wycliffe (1377)
John Wycliffe: Reply to His Summons by Pope Urban VI (1384)
Law against the Lollards (1401)
Joan of Arc: Letter to Henry VI (1429)
Pope Nicholas V: Romanus Pontifex (1455)
Short-answer Questions: World History I, Unit 13
Key Terms: World History I, Unit 13
Key Concepts: World History I, Unit 13
Key Arguments: World History I, Unit 13
Unit overview
The Formation of Western Christendom
Unit example
Carolingian Renaissance
Unit example
Corruption and Renewal in the Church
Unit example
The Crusades