America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present:
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization:
Counterpoints: Paired Sources from U.S. History, 1877-present:
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Custom Sourcebook: U.S. History II 1865 - present
Custom Sourcebook: World History I to 1500
Custom Sourcebook: World History II 1500 - present
Custom Sourcebook: Western Civilization I to 1500
Custom Sourcebook: Western Civilization II 1500 - present
Custom Sourcebook: African American History
Custom Sourcebook: Ancient Near East
Custom Sourcebook: Middle East
Custom Sourcebook: Modern Latin America
Custom Sourcebook: American Studies
Custom Sourcebook: World Religions
Custom Sourcebook: History of Japan
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Milestone Content
US History I to 1877
US History II 1865 to the Present
African American History
World History I to 1500
World History II 1500 to Present
Western Civilization I to 1500
Western Civilization II 1500 to Present
Women's History
Modern Chinese History
Latin America
Ancient Near East
The Middle East since the Rise of Islam
History of Japan
Introduction to American Studies
American Presidency
World Religions
My Milestone
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Modern China
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
American Studies
Ancient Near East
Western Civilization II
Western Civilization II
African American History
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
African American History
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
History of Japan
Medieval Europe
U.S. History II
African American History
African American History
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Blank Anthology
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Western Civilization II
World Religions
Ancient Near East
African American History
World Religions
Western Civilization II
Western Civilization I
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Modern Latin America
U.S. History II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
World Religions
History of Japan
Ancient Near East
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Blank Anthology
Great Depression and New Deal
World Religions
The Enlightenment
World History II
World History I
Modern Latin America
African American History
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Modern Latin America
Western Civilization I
World Religions
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Blank Anthology
Modern Latin America
U.S. History I
African American History
Modern China
African American History
World Religions
History of Japan
World Religions
Western Civilization I
World History II
World History I
Middle East
World History I
World History I
U.S. History I
Western Civilization I
U.S. History II
World Religions
Blank Anthology
World Religions
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
African American History
Ancient Near East
Ancient Near East
History of Japan
Western Civilization II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Modern China
Blank Anthology
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
Perspectives: Debates in World Civilization
World History II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
America and Its Sources: A Guided Journey through Key Documents, 1865-present
U.S. History I
Western Civilization I
Ancient Near East
Middle East
Ancient Near East
World History II 1500 to Present
: Crisis and Recovery in Eurasia
Editor in Chief:
Eric Cunningham, Gonzaga University
View all items
1. A Survey of the Premodern Worlds
2. Crisis and Recovery in Eurasia
3. Contact and Conquest
4. Worlds Entangled
5. Empires of Splendor and Might
6. The Birth of Modern Knowledge
7. Reordering the World
8. Non-European Appropriations of Modernity
9. Industrialism and Its After-effects
10. Nations and Empires in the Americas
11. Triumph of the Bourgeoisie
12. New Imperialism
13. Competing Visions of Modernity
14. A Divided Postwar World
15. Globalization
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Textbook Articles
Pope Boniface VIII: Clericis Laicos and Unam Sanctam (1296 and 1302)
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron (ca. 1350–1353)
Jean Froissart: The Chronicles of Froissart (ca. 1357–1400)
Zheng He: Inscription to the Goddess the Celestial Spouse (1431)
Martin Luther: Ninety-five Theses (1517)
John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)
Saint Ignatius of Loyola: The Spiritual Exercises (1548)
Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent (1564)
‘Abd-al-Qadir Bada’uni: Chronicles (ca. 1595)
Desiderius Erasmus: The Praise of Folly (1509)
Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince (1513)
Schleitheim Confession (1527)
Dutch Declaration of Independence (1581)
James I: Speech on the Divine Right of Kings (1609)
Westminster Confession (1646)
Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
Great Muscovite Law Code (1649)
Charles I: Speech on the Scaffold (1649)
Oliver Cromwell: Speech at the Opening of the Protectorate Parliament (1654)
Habeas Corpus Act of the Restoration (1679)
Louis XIV: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685)
Unit Objectives: World History II, Unit 2
Key Arguments: World History II, Unit 2
Key Concepts: World History II, Unit 2
Key Terms: World History II, Unit 2
Map Exercises: World History II, Unit 2
Short-answer Questions: World History II, Unit 2
Unit Essays: World History II, Unit 2
Unit overview
Crisis and Recovery in Eurasia
Unit example
New Asian Empires
Unit example
The Collapse of the Mongol World
Unit example
From Crisis to Reformation in Christendom