Custom Sourcebook: World History I to 1500

Our World History I sourcebook can include any number of primary sources and textbook articles from our collection and can be divided into custom units/chapters as you see fit. To help you visualize the possibilities, we’ve created a standard version that includes 15 units that span from the domestication of plants and animals in the fertile crescent to the Renaissance. Create a review account to examine the complete contents and customize it to suit your own course.

  • Student price: $24.95
  • Customize your reader with 300+ sources from our collection, plus add your own links to external websites
  • 50 discrete textbook articles available to help provide context for students
  • Document quizzes available for instructor use
  • Students access the reader on our website
  • Accessible to students with visual disabilities
  • Available to use on Perusall
  • Sign up for a free instructor review account to examine the contents and customize your own version

Read the Spring 2019 update by Joseph T. Stuart

Table of Contents

Unit 1: Domestication of Plants and Animals in the Fertile Crescent


Unit 2: Religion and Culture in the Earliest Civilizations of the Near East

Code of Hammurabi (1752 BCE)
Enuma Elish (ca. 1500 BCE)
Bible: Genesis (ca. 1400 – 400 BCE)
Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 1300 BCE)

Unit 3: Earliest Civilizations of Africa

Hymn to the Nile (ca. 1990 – 1950 BCE)
Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty (1259 BCE)


Unit 4: India

Rig Veda (ca. 1700 – 1200 BCE)
Valmiki: Ramayana (400 BCE)
Rock and Pillar Edicts of Asoka (257 – 240 BCE)


Unit 5: China, Japan, and Korea

Classic of Poetry: Chinese Agricultural Calendar (ca. 800 – 600 BCE)
Mandate of Heaven (ca. 475 – 221 BCE)
Canon of Filial Piety (ca. 300 – 239 BCE)
Han Feizi (ca. 230 BCE)
Huan Kuan: Discourses on Salt and Iron (74 – 49 BCE)
Wang Kon: Ten Injunctions (943)


Unit 6: Revolutions in Human Thought

Bible: Jeremiah (ca. 600 BCE)
Noble Eightfold Path (ca. 528 BCE)
Upanishads (ca. 700? BCE – 300 CE)
Analects of Confucius (ca. 479 – 249 BCE)
Bible: Deuteronomy (ca. 475 BCE)
Plato: “Of Wealth Justice Moderation and Their Opposites” (ca. 380 BCE)


Unit 7: Earliest Civilizations of the Americas

Popol Vuh (ca. 250 – 925)
Hernán Cortés: Second Letter to Charles V (1520)
Rig Veda Americanus (ca. 1540 – 1585)


Unit 8: The Greeks

Funeral Oration of Pericles (431 BCE)
Hippocratic Oath (ca. 400 BCE)
Aristotle: “The Nature End and Origin of the States” (ca. 335 – 323 BCE)
Aristotle: Athenian Constitution (320 BCE)


Unit 9: The Romans

Marcus Cato (the Elder): On Agriculture (ca. 160 BCE)
Law of Caesar on Municipalities (44 BCE)
Deeds of the Divine Augustus (14 CE)
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (ca. 170 – 180 CE)


Unit 10: The Rise of Christianity

Bible: Letter of Paul to the Galatians (ca. 48 – 52)
Bible: Gospel of John (ca. 96)
Pliny the Younger and Emperor Trajan: Letters on Treatment of the Christians (112)
Letter of the Smyrnaeans on the Martyrdom of Polycarp (156)
Laws Ending Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire (311 and 313)
Nicene Creed (325)
Augustine of Hippo: City of God (413-426)


Unit 11: European Peoples

Tacitus: Germania (ca. 98)
Holy Rule of Saint Benedict (ca. 525)
The Voyage of Bran (ca. 700 – 800)
Bishop Daniel of Winchester: Letter to Boniface on Conversion (723 – 724)
Boniface: Letter to Pope Zacharias on the Foundation of the Monastery at Fulda (751)
Song of Hildebrand (830)


Unit 12: Ascendancy of the East

Code of Justinian (534)
Qur’an (Koran) (ca. 610 – 632)
Covenant of Umar I (637)
Sahih al-Bukhari (870)
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali: Confessions (ca. 1100)


Unit 13: Formation of Western Christendom

Charlemagne: Great Capitulary (802)
Annals of Xanten (832 – 873)
Pope Urban II: Call to Crusade (1095)
Anna Comnena: Alexiad (ca. 1148)
Usama ibn Munqidh: “A Muslim View of the Crusaders” (1185)


Unit 14: The Medieval Age

Henry IV of Germany and Pope Gregory VII: Letter and Ban (1076)
Bernard Atton Viscount of Carcassonne: Charter of Homage and Fealty (1110)
Robert de Courçon: Statutes for the University of Paris (1215)
Magna Carta (1215)
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae (1266 – 1273)
Marco Polo: Description of Hangzhou (1298)


Unit 15: The Renaissance

Marsilius of Padua: The Defender of the Peace (1324)
Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron (ca. 1350 – 1353)
Marchionne di Coppo Stefani: Florentine Chronicle (ca. 1375 – 1385)
Leon Alberti: On Painting (1435)